The publicly available outcomes of the FACET project are listed below.
Technical documents

Guide for trainers – VET providers
The guide for Vocational and Educational Training (VET) trainers explains how to use and apply the resources developed in the FACET project: i) the curriculum, ii) the training material of the course (MOOC) and iii) the work-based learning tool (WBLT).
Guide – VET providers (English version)

Guide for trainers – Furniture companies
This guide is similar to the previous one, but in this case, it addresses furniture companies and more specifically, their human resources managers. The guide will facilitate companies creative professionals to learn how to use the resources developed in the FACET project: i) the curriculum, ii) the training material of the course (MOOC) and iii) the work-based learning tool (WBLT).
Guide – Furniture companies (English version)

The curriculum contains an overview of the five training modules with their objectives, learning plan, procedures and criteria for assessment of the learning outcomes to be achieved in each module, as well as the list of occupations/qualifications on which each module could be integrated.

Capacities’ needs survey
A questionnaire was submitted in each project partner country (60 creatives, 77 entrepreneurs, 36 trainers/Teachers) in order to to enter in direct contact with target groups and interesting stakeholders and understand needs in terms of knowledge and skills related to creativity and entrepreneurship in the furniture sector.
Survey (English version)
Dissemination materials

The brochure contains a brief presentation of the objectives, the date of implementation and the results of the FACET project.
Brochure (English version)

The newsletter contains the latest news related to the project such as the launch of the web, the report of the results of the survey and the publication of the curriculum, as well as other news of the sector.
Newsletter #1 (English version)
Newsletter #2 (English version)
Newsletter #3 (English version)
Newsletter #4 (English version)