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FACET project
FACET aims to develop innovative tools for training in creativity and entrepreneurship for the furniture and home interior sectors to be used for initial vocational education and training (VET), as well as for the continuous VET for workers.
Professional skills, knowledge and competencies needs related to creativity and entrepreneurship will be analysed within the sector. Based on these, a training path and an online course will be developed. Course learning tools will include work-based learning.
Applicable results for companies
  • Analysis of the current situation and of the companies / professionals needs in relation to creativity and entrepreneurship in the furniture and home interior sectors.
  • Training materials and work-based learning tool in 7 languages.
  • Possibility to participate to the pilot course during the project implementation.
What’s new in the project?
The FACET project ends – public presentation of the results
FACET pilot course
The FACET project faces its final phase. Following 30 months of intense work, FACETis coming to an end. During this period, FACET partnership has developed a complete training course in Creativity and Entrepreneurship in the Furniture Sector. This totally free course is online and consists of 5 modules.
What’s happening?
Why being stuck at home drains your creativity
While the pandemic has caused thousands of small businesses to temporarily close or shutter for good, the disappearance of the corner coffee shop means more than lost wages.
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What Kind of Startup Founder Are You?
When it comes to getting a new venture off the ground, a sense of collective ownership is vital — but it’s not always clear how founders should go about fostering that shared ownership in their teams.
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Why being creative is good for you

Creativity, according to Maya Angelou, is a bottomless pit: "The more you use it, the more you have," said the novelist. "Creativity is intelligence having fun," is a phrase often attributed to Einstein.
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Tuscan Technological Cluster for Interiors and Design DID CENFIM
Transilvania University of Brasov Eurocrea Merchant (EM)
Vocational Training Centre of Wood and Furniture Industries (CFPIMM)  Department of Architecture DIDA
ACN Crystal Clear Soft (CCS)
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grant Agreement Reference: 2018-1-IT01-KA202-006734

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
© CENFIM 2019. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.  FACET | Privacy Policy