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FACET aims to develop innovative tools for training in creativity and entrepreneurship for the furniture and home interior sectors to be used for initial vocational education and training (VET), as well as for the continuous VET for workers.
Professional skills, knowledge and competencies needs related to creativity and entrepreneurship will be analysed within the sector. Based on these, a training path and an online course will be developed. Course learning tools will include work-based learning.
Applicable results for companies
  • Analysis of the current situation and of the companies / professionals needs in relation to creativity and entrepreneurship in the furniture and home interior sectors.
  • Training materials and work-based learning tool in 7 languages.
  • Possibility to participate to the pilot course during the project implementation.
What’s new in the project?
Free online training course in "Creativity and Entrepreneurship in the Furniture Sector”
FACET pilot course
Do you want to start an innovative or creative project within the furniture industry? Are you familiar with techniques and tools to enhance your creativity and innovation? Would you like to develop a more sustainable and creative thinking and apply it to your projects?
What’s happening?
Scheduling time to daydream into your working schedule can help with creativity, columnist Manar Al Hinai believes. Getty
How dedicating time to creativity can help your career
There’s no doubt that the Covid-19 crisis has pushed many of us to our limits. We have been forced to pivot, change our work structure and think of new avenues of income. With all of the overwhelming events happening around us this year, and living in uncertainty, […]
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Lessons In Entrepreneurship From a Small Town Startup
Entrepreneurship—this word symbolizes so many dreams and aspirations, so many stories of success and struggle, ups and downs but at last a story that every entrepreneur would want to share. It doesn’t matter how big or small the startup is or where it is based out of […]
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The Definitions 

Of Creativity

If Banksy and a lawyer walk into a bar, there’s no way they could have anything in common, right? One’s a world-famous street artist, and the other deals with complicated twists of language and negotiation. There’s no way that lawyer could be a creative person, right? […]
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Tuscan Technological Cluster for Interiors and Design DID CENFIM
Transilvania University of Brasov Eurocrea Merchant (EM)
Vocational Training Centre of Wood and Furniture Industries (CFPIMM)  Department of Architecture DIDA
ACN Crystal Clear Soft (CCS)
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grant Agreement Reference: 2018-1-IT01-KA202-006734

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
© CENFIM 2019. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.  FACET | Privacy Policy