Free online training course in “Creativity and Entrepreneurship in the Furniture Sector”

Do you want to start an innovative or creative project within the furniture industry? Are you familiar with techniques and tools to enhance your creativity and innovation? Would you like to develop a more sustainable and creative thinking and apply it to your projects?
Innovation requires initiative and entrepreneurship competences, which refers to the ability to turn ideas into actions. It requires creativity and the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve objectives. Furniture companies need more creative and entrepreneurial professionals, not only to set-up new businesses, but also to market new products and valuable services.
To acquire the skills and competencies needed to develop creativity and innovation in your company, you can register for the training course “Creativity and Entrepreneurship in the Furniture Sector”, which is free and open to anyone interested.
The course consists of interactive learning materials – videos, infographics, presentations and quizzes – and a set of manuals with all necessary information and additional readings to go in depth into several topics of interest. The course consists of around 30 hours of training divided in 6 different modules:
- Creativity and creative thinking: an overview on the multiple valences and layers of creativity which allow to enhance and develop creative thinking.
- Creativity and innovation: focused on developing methods to be simultaneously creative and innovative.
- Motivational Creativity: an overview on motivation, individual motivation levels and its link to confidence, productivity and positive goal setting, through the analysis of different motivational theories.
- Sustainable creativity: presentation of basic knowledge of sustainable projects which employ critical and sustainable creative thinking: EWM (Energy, Waste, Material) efficiency, eco-design and circular economy.
- Creativity and entrepreneurship: an introduction to basic notions of strategic management, emphasizing the main personal features, which can be useful in a leading position.
- Work-based tool: a guide for the processes of creation and implementation of ideas applied to real projects.
The free pilot course will be available starting from November 2020. If you are interested in pre-registering to the course, click on this link, register and we will inform you when the course is available.